Chatting about fear

Once a quarter I catch up with my friend Steve Roxby to have a chat and share it with scholarship students of Malipai Livelihood Centre in the Bacolod Region of the Philippines.

The video below is about our fourth instalment and is a response to specific questions that have been sent to us. Many of these questions relate to dealing with fear.

While this conversation was focused on supporting young scholars, there are some universal themes which apply to many life stages and situations.

Given this I thought it appropriate to share this video as there may be something in here which is helpful to you.

Chat with Steve

Steve Roxby and I crossed paths over a decade ago. What began as general chit chat at a mutual friend’s party became a relationship of mutual trust and support which continues to today.

In these videos Steve shares what has been helpful for him along the way, and some of the insights he has discovered.

There are a few short videos with the full conversation below.

Here’s the full conversation.

Chat with Deb

When Deb Allan first turned up I wasn’t sure what she was looking for or where it would go.

It didn’t take long though for Deb to reveal she was dealing with an internal enquiry about work-life balance.

In this chat Deb shares about her rather remarkable transitions as she moved from living as an independent and single law partner to now living a life in Tonga with diverse and rich interests.

Here’s some short snippets with the full conversation below.

Here’s the full length conversation. Approximately 50 minutes.

Meet Curious Billy Ebook

Many years ago I wrote an eBook which outlined nine steps for living your life in your way. It was called Meet Curious Billy. 

I recently reviewed this eBook again and thought it worth relaunching. 

It maps out nine steps which helped me move from working in a job where it just didn't seem right, where I was confused and unclear, to working in a way which doesn't feel like work at all.

These steps won't take you all the way to enlightenment but they could certainly help put some really important things in place.

Here’s a little infographic on the nine steps.


Here’s a short video on the first Step.

You can view short videos on all the other steps as well as download the ebook here.