Your attitude towards you

You’re a miracle: imagine you could think of yourself (and everyone else) in this way.

Interestingly this idea - you’re a miracle - isn’t some new age, pseudoscience, blissed-out comment. It is the truth.

For you to exist about a million things, need to align. A million may be a slight exaggeration, but possibly not far off it.

Your mother needs to experience a remarkable balance of hormones to have the possibility of falling pregnant. Your father needs to have the right potency to be able to fertilise you as an egg. They both need to find sufficient interest in each other for the dance of procreation to happen. To put it this way grossly understates what a miracle it is for reproduction to work. It’s such a delicate system.

Some of us haven’t arrived through the traditional route. However, this doesn’t mean your arrival into this world was any less miraculous, some would suggest more so.

Sometimes we undervalue the remarkableness of something that happens a lot, such as the number of births and people in the world. When it comes to remarkable and miraculous events, size doesn’t matter. Just because something happens a lot, doesn’t mean it’s any less extraordinary.

Whichever way you came into the world, when we consider the complexity and sensitivity of the reproductive system, it is miraculous that any of us are here.

Yes, the fact you exist is a miracle.

There may be times when you are treated as an inconvenience, nuisance, or as someone with inadequacies. Sometimes, you may even think of yourself in these ways. These are distorted attitudes towards you, which happens when we lose touch with the truth of our nature.

You’re a miracle without achieving anything. You don’t need to be smart, successful, ambitious or funny to be miraculous. You are a miracle simply because you’re here.

Nobody has probably ever mentioned this to you. Imagine you could get your head around this. Embody this truth. You don’t need to do or achieve anything special because you and your life are already special.

You may need to remind yourself of this regularly to replace past ideas you have developed about you (and others too).

To help with this, you could practice an exercise like this –

·        inhale and say to yourself “each breath”, exhale and say to yourself “is life”;

·        inhale and say to yourself “each breath”, exhale and say to yourself “is a miracle”;

·        inhale and say to yourself “each breath”, exhale and say to yourself “is healing”;

·        inhale and say to yourself “each breath”, exhale and say to yourself “brings peace”.

Repeat this for a minute, and then as often as it is helpful to you.

When I practice this type of exercise regularly I think more slowly and insightfully. As a result I see more clearly the miraculous in nature, the trees, ocean, sky, in you and in me.  May your mind and vision also evolve so you can see the miracle that you are.