What People Are Saying

How my journey began

I was a typical product of our education and cultural system.

Had a good job, a pleasant social life, fit and physically healthy.

At the same time felt unhappy as I wondered what was the point of all this ambition and struggle.

Then something happened. I decided I wasn’t going to fit into the world, I was going to get the world to fit around me. I was going to embrace my nature not compromise it.

That was a bit over 20 years ago.

Having a background in financial planning, I knew I needed to make enough money or there would be financial stress in my life. I also knew I had to work in a way that suited me. But what was that?

This motived me to further understand my needs, values and personality. This inquiry led me to explore idea’s and theories from the East and West. It prompted reflection and investigation into notions of success and happiness, values and motivation, individuality, connection, satisfaction and contentment.

This gave me clarity of direction for me, which has guided me elegantly for over two decades.

Since 2003, I have supported others with this same enquiry, but not for me, for them. Everyone is different. Some are destined to run their own businesses, some to be expert professionals in their field. Some full of intellect, some full of compassion. Anyway is fine as long as it matches the deeper yearnings of the individual.

This is what I love. Figuring out what does it for you. Flicking the switch and getting the world to fall into line for you and help you to do this your way.

My services and resources have been sought by hundreds of individuals as well as organisations such as Macquarie Bank, Zurich, AXA, Securitor, Comminsure, AUSCOAL, Maritime and NGS superannuation, The Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees and NSW Health Pathology.

My passion is to help people master their mind and align their activity to live a productive, peaceful and purposeful life.

If this sounds good to you, let’s talk.

Current Business Interests

Founded ‘Matt Linnert Coaching and Mentoring’ (2004 - present)

Founded ‘Personality Quiz’ (2010 - present)

Past Career and Business Interests

Employed in Education Sector (1995 - 2000)

Employed in Financial Planning Sector (2000 - 2004)

Co-founded ‘innergi’ (2006 - 2014)

Founded ‘Collective Heart’ (2014 - 2024)


Bachelor Education (Mathematics) Hons 1

Diploma Financial Planning

Accredited Practitioner Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Track Record

“20+ continuous years of helping

more than 700 people navigate change.”

Step into your next chapter.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.